Monday, November 19, 2012

2. Become a smarter listener.

To stay relevant and interesting to your customers online, it's important to know what they want. Jantsch says it's essential to listen to your customers and to journalists, influencers, competitors, blogs and general industry chatter. Here are his tips on how to find them.
  • Create Twitter lists to see what your customers are saying about your product or industry, and to monitor what your competitors are up to.
  • Create Google Alerts for journalists who write frequently about your industry.
  • Use Alltop to peruse the content of some of the most influential people blogging about your industry.
  • Sign up for Quora to understand what questions are being asked by your customers and competitors. This will help keep you informed and might point to an unmet need in the market.
  • Use Google Reader to manage your blog subscriptions.
Organizing the way you listen will make sure you know what's happening in your space -- and help you craft your own message.

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